The Church of Spiritual Enlightenment Williamstown has provided Spiritual Services to the Community for over 50 years. Our Church is a Sanctuary which facilitates healing, guidance, courses, talks and readings, all are welcome.


To provide a spiritual healing and learning centre to the community which allows individuals to discover and deepen their connection with their own divinity and spiritual growth. A nurturing and welcoming place where people from all walks of life can gather, heal, share, commune and grow.


To enable others to be engaged with the wisdom of Spiritualism and Spirituality, and thereby be better equipped to live deeper and fuller lives and to serve their communities and the good of all.


While respecting the diversity in others belief’s and spiritual philosophies and teaching, we affirm that we all share a common ground in our interconnectedness and aspiration to grow in a richer understanding of our purpose in life and our place in the world.

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Sep 22

Divine Light Service with Rev. Barbara Witcombe, Doris Inguanez & Rob Finlay

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Power of the Mind to Create and Manifest

Power of the Mind to Create and Manifest

  Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts create our reality and manifest outcomes in our physical existence. Our mind has two levels – the conscious or rational level and the subconscious or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind and what you habitually think, sends messages to the subconscious mind, which creates according to your thoughts. The subconscious is subject to the conscious mind.  All of your emotionalized thoughts, hopes and desires seeds your subconscious. Your subconscious does not work towards proving whether your thoughts are right or wrong, good or bad, dull or productive, the subconscious obediently responds to the nature of your conscious thoughts and suggestions. Having a better understanding of how the conscious and subconscious mind works, will enable you to transform your life. You can then create success with all your goals and endeavours...

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Reflections from our Minister - Rev David Finlay

Reflections from our Minister – Rev David Finlay

In his book ‘Ancient Teachings for Beginners’ published in 2003 the author Douglas De Long states as part of the introduction in the context of evolving that ‘people are awakening and becoming more spiritual’. In stumbling across this statement it reinforced what was already in my mind as the topic for this article. I was inspired a few days earlier to write this passage about my own journey of spiritual awakening with particular emphasis on the role COSE has played in this evolution. My active awakening process commenced  in the early to mid-1990’s long before I had heard of spiritualism and spiritualist churches when I was drawn to and became involved in a private development group with a particular focus on crystal enhanced spiritual healing and it was with this group that I witnessed many amazing occurrences. One can only speculate...

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The Benefits of Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

When the founders of COSE chose the name: “Church Of Spiritual Enlightenment”, this reflected the purpose for which it was established, and that was to provide a Sanctuary which would bring guidance and healing for those who sought to understand their spiritual nature and their own divine essence. A Sanctuary which would guide people on their Path of Spiritual Unfoldment. The journey towards “Enlightenment” is a personal unfoldment. Although an individual may have access to wise teachings, techniques and spiritual disciplines, it is actually the journey Inwards that guides One to be attuned with the Divine Indweller and Christ Within. Spiritual teachers are Way Show-ers, but only the Individual can come into their own Divine Presence and Oneness with the Divine Indweller. The teachings of Jesus guided the people to the God Within. Many these days still seek God outside of...

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John King with a short inspiration of Love

John King with a short inspiration of Love

LOVE Love hold me tight throughout the night until the morning light. When the sun comes up we will get dressed up and you can put on your make-up. It will be so bright that I will take you on a magical flight up to the marvellous heights. The sky will be so blue that nobody ever knew that I was meant for you. I’ll show you all the sights, everything will be alright as long as we don’t fight. Now that everyone knows. it’s time to go and grow and grow and grow. I will show you all my might and a very special plight. Our journey has just started for all of eternity, we will never be parted. LOVE and Light from John King.  

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Barbara Price-Rees, Spirit Art Demonstration Wrap Up

Barbara Price-Rees, Spirit Art Demonstration Wrap Up

Barbara Price-Rees, Psychic Artist and Medium, demonstrated her Spirit Art at COSE on Sunday, 24th Feb, 2019. During her demonstration, Barbara attuned with various members of the audience and sketched portraits of their ancestors and relatives who were in Spirit.       The first portrait which took 20 minutes was painted in acrylic. The following sketches were completed in lightning speed of only 2 minutes.     . Channelled messages from the Spirits of which she had drawn were also given to the different audience members.   An interesting and engaging demonstration. Barbara is not only as a unique artist, but also a gifted  medium. Learn more of Barbara’s Talents on her web pages here.

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