
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year with love from COSE

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year with love from COSE

On behalf of COSE, we Wish you All and your Family a very Happy, Safe and Joyous Christmas Season  May the New Year bring you All – Health, Happiness & Prosperity All COSE Services and Events have finished for the year. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook Page and Website for upcoming events 2023 COSE Services resume on the following dates : Sunday Divine Light Service resumes on Sunday, 15th January, 2023 Tuesday Night Development Circle resumes on Tuesday, 17th January, 2023 Saturday Morning Healing resumes on Saturday, 4th February, 2023

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  “Gratitude is the ability to pay attention to what we have got and not worry about what we don’t have.” (Hugh Van Clyde – The Resilience Project)   Gratitude brings a sense of appreciation, pleasure and connection when exercised and expressed. For most people, gratitude comes readily and easily, but for others who are experiencing mental health difficulties it becomes more of a harder task. In this sense, for those experiencing Mental Health issues, gratitude would need to become a regular practice. By applying the practice of gratitude it will bring many benefits for Mental Health and Wellbeing. When one expresses and experiences Gratitude, they are experiencing the ‘Goodness of Life’. Gratitude is not just about receiving and appreciating, the positive emotions derived from gratitude can also be felt when one shows appreciation and gratitude towards others.  Gratitude is an...

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Anam Cara - Soul Friend

Anam Cara – Soul Friend

The Anam Cara is Gaelic term for “Soul Friend”. Traditionally, the Anam Cara was a person who you felt a special connection with and with whom you could share your innermost self and deepest intimacies with. This friendship which was cultivated with trust and openness,  was a very deep and special companion in which  you found a sense of recognition and belonging. The Anam Cara may have also come as a helpmate for a person who was dying and comfort this person during  their passage of death, or as a Spiritual mentor or guide which would teach it’s students wisdom and spiritual truth. In the Celtic tradition, when you connect with your Anam Cara, your two souls begin to flow together. This special connection was an awakening and unfolding as all barriers were down and protective distances collapse. A connection where...

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Reflections from the Minister

Reflections from the Minister

As a Baby Boomer I sometimes think back to my earliest memories. These were the days before supermarkets, when packaged food was purchased from a small grocery store. Butcher’s shops had a thick layer of sawdust on the floor and the processing of carcasses was carried out on a huge wooden block. The only take away fast food was fish and chips. People huddled around their radio for electronic entertainment and there was no direct dial telephone. One had to ask the exchange operator for the number required to be put through. How the way we now progress our day to day lives has evolved since those times? But not only have technologies evolved but we as a people have also evolved in our acceptance of the beliefs and attitudes of others. The perception is that each generation is more savvy...

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Creating and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Creating and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Open your minds to new ideas, surrender and believe. ENERGY We are all energy and like attracts like. “The Quantum Field responds not to what we want, it responds to who we are being” Joe Dispenza Sometime we don’t even realise what we are projecting as the feelings can run so deeply. If we show up from a place of fear, hurt, past pain, anxiousness… That is what we are putting out into our energy field and what others are picking up on…..Alternately, if we show up from a place of love, joy, excitement and expecting good THAT is the energy field we are creating and what others will pick up on. One is a repelling energy as its uncomfortable both for ourselves and others…. the other draws others to us as it is light and inviting, with a feeling of...

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The Deeper Meaning of Numbers and Your Path Revealed - Elizabeth Peru

The Deeper Meaning of Numbers and Your Path Revealed – Elizabeth Peru

THE DEEPER MEANING OF NUMBERS AND YOUR PATH REVEALED THIS IS THE BLOG OF ELIZABETH PERU © Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved | Deltawaves For clarification or questions on usage and copyright, please contact the team: PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG POST IN FULL WITH YOUR COMMUNITIES OF LIGHT To stay informed and up-to-date with ALL of the latest energy shifts, follow my guidance in The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast Dear Cosmic Community, Welcome to this important ‘Numerology Guide’ to 2021 ‘The Year of Spiritual Discernment’, as we look at the power and significance of numbers in revealing the deeper meaning and purpose behind your life and path. As a Cosmic Guide, I have an intrinsic love of numbers. Numbers form the very fabric of our universe and I find that each soul resonates deeply with them. For the...

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Healing the Child Within

Healing the Child Within

The wounded child within us is always present, waiting for us to turn our attention inwards towards its needs.   Most people have experienced some type of trauma as a child. These experiences may vary, i.e. having your favourite toy thrown in the bin or experiencing detachment through being placed in childcare.  More significant and painful experiences are incurred by  parental separation or divorce, abandonment, rejection or abuse. Whatever the degree of the trauma, the painful experiences are unknowingly repressed by us when we come into adulthood. These psychological wounds remain in our cellular memory during our lifetime – the impacts of the wounds are long lasting.   The wounds of childhood may reveal itself in adult years through: relationship difficulties, trust issues, self esteem, anger issues, physical ailments, depression & anxiety – it may even impact on a sexual level. We...

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Reflections from our Minister - Rev David Finlay

Reflections from our Minister – Rev David Finlay

In his book ‘Ancient Teachings for Beginners’ published in 2003 the author Douglas De Long states as part of the introduction in the context of evolving that ‘people are awakening and becoming more spiritual’. In stumbling across this statement it reinforced what was already in my mind as the topic for this article. I was inspired a few days earlier to write this passage about my own journey of spiritual awakening with particular emphasis on the role COSE has played in this evolution. My active awakening process commenced  in the early to mid-1990’s long before I had heard of spiritualism and spiritualist churches when I was drawn to and became involved in a private development group with a particular focus on crystal enhanced spiritual healing and it was with this group that I witnessed many amazing occurrences. One can only speculate...

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The Benefits of Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

When the founders of COSE chose the name: “Church Of Spiritual Enlightenment”, this reflected the purpose for which it was established, and that was to provide a Sanctuary which would bring guidance and healing for those who sought to understand their spiritual nature and their own divine essence. A Sanctuary which would guide people on their Path of Spiritual Unfoldment. The journey towards “Enlightenment” is a personal unfoldment. Although an individual may have access to wise teachings, techniques and spiritual disciplines, it is actually the journey Inwards that guides One to be attuned with the Divine Indweller and Christ Within. Spiritual teachers are Way Show-ers, but only the Individual can come into their own Divine Presence and Oneness with the Divine Indweller. The teachings of Jesus guided the people to the God Within. Many these days still seek God outside of...

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Angel Connections

Angel Connections

Everyone has Guides and Angels who are always close by, working and walking alongside you lovingly. The more we attune with, communicate and recognise our Angel Helpers, the more we are strengthening our connection. Not only are you strengthening your connection and communication, you are also deepening your Oneness with Source and your Higher Self. Most people are not able to see or hear Angels because the vibration of the Angelic Realm is at a much higher frequency than our own. You may however, learn to see, hear and sense Angels. It is easier to connect with Angels when your frequency is high. Our frequency is naturally high when we are in states of joy, openheartedness and positivity. We are also able to heighten our vibrations through spiritual practices, such as healing, sacred circle work and also love and light service...

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