The Church of Spiritual Enlightenment Williamstown has provided Spiritual Services to the Community for over 50 years. Our Church is a Sanctuary which facilitates healing, guidance, courses, talks and readings, all are welcome.


To provide a spiritual healing and learning centre to the community which allows individuals to discover and deepen their connection with their own divinity and spiritual growth. A nurturing and welcoming place where people from all walks of life can gather, heal, share, commune and grow.


To enable others to be engaged with the wisdom of Spiritualism and Spirituality, and thereby be better equipped to live deeper and fuller lives and to serve their communities and the good of all.


While respecting the diversity in others belief’s and spiritual philosophies and teaching, we affirm that we all share a common ground in our interconnectedness and aspiration to grow in a richer understanding of our purpose in life and our place in the world.

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Sep 22

Divine Light Service with Rev. Barbara Witcombe, Doris Inguanez & Rob Finlay

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Creating and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Creating and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Open your minds to new ideas, surrender and believe. ENERGY We are all energy and like attracts like. “The Quantum Field responds not to what we want, it responds to who we are being” Joe Dispenza Sometime we don’t even realise what we are projecting as the feelings can run so deeply. If we show up from a place of fear, hurt, past pain, anxiousness… That is what we are putting out into our energy field and what others are picking up on…..Alternately, if we show up from a place of love, joy, excitement and expecting good THAT is the energy field we are creating and what others will pick up on. One is a repelling energy as its uncomfortable both for ourselves and others…. the other draws others to us as it is light and inviting, with a feeling of...

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The Deeper Meaning of Numbers and Your Path Revealed - Elizabeth Peru

The Deeper Meaning of Numbers and Your Path Revealed – Elizabeth Peru

THE DEEPER MEANING OF NUMBERS AND YOUR PATH REVEALED THIS IS THE BLOG OF ELIZABETH PERU © Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved | Deltawaves For clarification or questions on usage and copyright, please contact the team: PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG POST IN FULL WITH YOUR COMMUNITIES OF LIGHT To stay informed and up-to-date with ALL of the latest energy shifts, follow my guidance in The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast Dear Cosmic Community, Welcome to this important ‘Numerology Guide’ to 2021 ‘The Year of Spiritual Discernment’, as we look at the power and significance of numbers in revealing the deeper meaning and purpose behind your life and path. As a Cosmic Guide, I have an intrinsic love of numbers. Numbers form the very fabric of our universe and I find that each soul resonates deeply with them. For the...

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Reflections from our Minister - Rev David Finlay

Reflections from our Minister – Rev David Finlay

When we think of the process of evolution and change our thoughts naturally assume a science and technology scenario. Throughout our lifetime without question there have been major changes in every aspect of our lives in the way we interact with others, the way we travel, the food we eat and the way business on every level is conducted. There have been tremendous advances (evolution) this past 200 years and particularly in the past 50 years for the benefit of all of mankind. But what about humanity, we as a people? In the wake of the Corona Virus pandemic the general consensus is that our way of life will not return to how it was before this crisis. How things will pan out remains to be seen but certainly some of the changes recently put into place will remain. Many pundits...

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Healing the Child Within

Healing the Child Within

The wounded child within us is always present, waiting for us to turn our attention inwards towards its needs.   Most people have experienced some type of trauma as a child. These experiences may vary, i.e. having your favourite toy thrown in the bin or experiencing detachment through being placed in childcare.  More significant and painful experiences are incurred by  parental separation or divorce, abandonment, rejection or abuse. Whatever the degree of the trauma, the painful experiences are unknowingly repressed by us when we come into adulthood. These psychological wounds remain in our cellular memory during our lifetime – the impacts of the wounds are long lasting.   The wounds of childhood may reveal itself in adult years through: relationship difficulties, trust issues, self esteem, anger issues, physical ailments, depression & anxiety – it may even impact on a sexual level. We...

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Reflections from our Minister - Rev David Finlay

Reflections from our Minister – Rev David Finlay

REFLECTIONS OF THE MINISTER Over recent weeks have been drawn by Spirit to reflect on the letter , “i”, not in the context of the perpendicular pronoun but in words such as inspired, impressed, intuition, instinct and imagination. All of these words relate to the unconscious energies we sense in our daily lives but also when we are consciously working with Spirit. To elaborate, absolutely everything in the Universe seen and unseen is energy. We are energy and so being a part of the whole energetic picture we sense and react to shifts in this sea of energy surrounding us. On a physical level at times we are drawn seemingly like a magnet to some persons whilst we are repulsed by others without perhaps having any exchange with them other than them having been in the vicinity of our extended energetic...

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