Update from our President

Update from our President - April 2018

Update from our President – April 2018

This year for COSE has started off with many changes. We have recently made a hire agreement with the Williamstown Musical and Theatre Company (WMTC) to use the John St Hall for their rehearsals. Our Hall has been sitting idle for many years only being used a few times a year for our monthly Readings Day and occasional Trivia nights. We have had a lot of accumulated junk, probably from the 1980’s left on the stage in the hall, from the days when the hall was used as a Kindergarten. Now everything has been cleared out, and its appearance and energy has a new life to it. If you walk into the Hall now, you can feel the difference, it’s very uplifting and inviting. COSE has also employed a painter to give the exterior of the Church a much needed paint,...

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