Update from our President – April 2018

This year for COSE has started off with many changes. We have recently made a hire agreement with the Williamstown Musical and Theatre Company (WMTC) to use the John St Hall for their rehearsals.
Our Hall has been sitting idle for many years only being used a few times a year for our monthly Readings Day and occasional Trivia nights.
We have had a lot of accumulated junk, probably from the 1980’s left on the stage in the hall, from the days when the hall was used as a Kindergarten. Now everything has been cleared out, and its appearance and energy has a new life to it. If you walk into the Hall now, you can feel the difference, it’s very uplifting and inviting.
COSE has also employed a painter to give the exterior of the Church a much needed paint, which is almost complete. By Easter the previously tired and faded weatherboards of the Church will be refreshed and uplifted.
The changes that have occurred have been no small feat. Particularly when our funds have been so minimal and we simply couldn’t afford the painting nor come up with any plans to how we could promote the hall.
It took quite a lot of running around, phone calls, enquiries, interviews, quotes, even involvement with a government initiative “Work for the Dole”, to create the work as a project. Unfortunately every effort made turned fruitless, and we were often left feeling despondent as to whether we would ever get the Church painted or the Hall hired out.
Although we were hitting bring walls, we shifted gears with the attitude of “Never Giving Up”, and to remain optimistic and to hold a positive attitude. Helen Riddle and myself, turned our intentions and thoughts to the Cosmic, and began to work with the “Law of Manifesting”. Together, we would create Sacred Space and visualise our requests and project them to the Cosmic. In manifesting, if you hold any doubt or uncertainty, it’s highly likely that the request will not manifest. But with COSE, uncertainty holds no place. We have a beautiful little Church that was founded in love, all our Lightworkers have a dedicated heart and work with love, with everything the Church has to offer and everything it stands for is Love. So with purity of heart and with the deepest respect, we put our petitions to the Cosmic.
I received a Vision of the Church being newly painted. I had no idea, when or how, for all I knew, this could occur 10 years down the track. But with confidence and faith and to “Let it Be Gods Will”, I simply trusted in the Divine, that all would fall into place as it is meant to.
In the turning of events, our painter simply found his way to COSE. He happened to attend one of our workshops, and felt a strong connection and warmth with COSE. He noticed that the Church was in need of a paint job, and as a painter he offered to paint the Church for a price that we could afford.
Marcus, the President of Williamstown Musical Theatre Company, also came to us unexpectedly. I had made an enquiry over the phone to how I may have information to what I need to do to hire out our back hall. As it happened to be, Marcus was currently on the lookout for a space for the Theatre Company. Everything fell into place beautifully.
Not only did our manifestations and prayers become a reality, the ripple effect is still coming in waves. Currently Marcus is creating a new website for COSE, and also sharing helpful and resourceful ideas, as well as guidance on how we can promote our little Church.
As it stands, COSE is moving towards some wonderful changes. Creative changes, new possibilities and also the opportunity to put ourselves “Out there”, so more people will know about us.
Everyone’s contribution helps. If you have ideas or are interested in Voluntary Work or becoming a Light Worker. We cannot continue without everyone’s input, our wonderful volunteers, donations, and of course our members and spiritual community.
Keep your Love and Prayers flowing and growing for COSE. Together, we will not only build our Spiritual Community but continue to keep it flourishing for the Good of All!
In Peace, Light and Love,
Barbara Witcombe
President and Assistant Minister
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