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Women’s Full Moon Circle

This Aries Full Moon is a powerful time for releasing what is no longer serving you and which is holding you back in life and in love.
Whether it be your fears and insecurities, lack of confidence, former patterns and belief’s, even toxic relationships……….
This is the time to release, move forward and make room for new growth and new life.
The power of the Feminine Full Moon invokes and amplifies our emotions, intuition and personal strength………..energetically it is the perfect time for making your resolve towards change, transformation and personal empowerment.
To complement the energetic qualities of the Aries Full Moon, we will also be working with Goddess Kali – a no-nonsense, fierce, but loving and protective mother goddess.
Although Kalis image represents an intimidating and fear provoking demeanor, her symbolism actually represents “fearlessness” and “the cutting away of ignorance, fear and oppression”.
On this special evening we will be drawing on the powers and qualities of the Goddess Kali to release all that which no longer serves you and is holding you back from fulfilling your potential.
When women gather together in Circle, it is incredibly empowering to draw on the archetypes, strengths and powers of the Divine Feminine.
It is also deeply healing and transforming to share and connect with other like minded women in Circle Space and in spiritual practise, ritual and ceremony.
The Evening includes :
*Casting Circle and Sacred Space
* Journaling
*Intuition, Wisdom, Insights and Sharings
*Releasing Ritual
*Shamanic Journey
*Women’s Healing and Transformation
*and much more
WHEN : Thursday, 18th October
WHERE : COSE – 59 John St, Williamstown 3016
COST : $25 or $20 for COSE Members & Cons.
TIME : 7.30pm
BOOKINGS : Are essential – a $10 deposit is required to secure your place.
CONTACT : Barbara to confirm your place
MBL : 0404 669 232


October 17


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm




61 John Street
Williamstown, Victoria 3016 Australia

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