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The sacred bond our Ancient Ancestors had with the Natural World and the Cosmos has been broken, but we can learn how they lived in balance and harmony with Nature to provide tools and perspective to heal the (broken) bond and alter our journey forward”.


COSE is super pleased to host an evening with John Paul EagleHeart 😄💖

Join us on this evening with conversation, learning, sharing and ritual with John Paul EagleHeart.🦅🧡🌙

EagleHeart’s topic of discussion gives perspective to the time honoured wisdom of the ancient ancestors which reflect a deep understanding of life, nature and human nature. Traditions that encourage respect for all life, your place in the world and a harmonious existence with the world around us.


John Paul EagleHeart is a  Shaman, Site-Whisperer and Creative Visionary. He breathes and lives the ways of the ancient Ancestors and is in his element sharing the wisdom and teachings of his Forebearers and Native American Teachers & Ancestors.

Well recognised for his work as a Ceremony man and Site Whisperer,  EagleHeart has been a practising Shaman since 1987.  Through his work and Sacred Service, EagleHeart has travelled extensively to different countries around the world including;  the US, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Bali, Peru, Costa Rica, South Africa and Australia.  As a sacred New Moon pipe carrier and teacher of the Medicine Wheel, he also leads Sweat Lodge ceremonies and facilitates conversations with the council of 44 Grandmothers for others.

EagleHeart dedicates his life towards creating profound connections between the natural and spiritual worlds.

“A modern-day shaman

bridges the ancient and the contemporary,

guiding others with wisdom, love,

and a profound connection to the unseen.

They inspire us to see the world differently,

to recognise the sacred in the everyday,

and to dream a new world into being”.


A short ritual is included in the evening in the concept of Mitakuye Oyasin (All my Relations) which is the calling in of the 7 directions.

*A  Q & A platform is available as part of the evening after the talk & ritual.



In addition to John Paul EagleHeart’s shamanic practices, he is also a theatre and film director, blending his

artistic talents with his spiritual insights. An exciting collaborative international documentary

series, ; “The Shaman and the Stones”; follows a team of scientists and wisdom bearers, along

with him, to sacred sites around the world, where they connect with the site and the spirits of

these places to uncover their mysteries, purposes, and unique ways to experience them in the

present dimension.

John Paul EagleHearts multifaceted career extends into the arts community as the CEO and Chief Alchemist of

the Auspicious Arts Incubator, where he helps artists create sustainable businesses.

He is also an author. The story “My Tree Teacher” ; chronicles the relationship with his current

teacher, an 80-year-old Golden Elm Tree named Tim, published by Sacred Stories.


​For more information on John Paul EagleHeart and his services, Please refer to his Website :





WHERE : COSE – 59 John St, Williamstown  3016


TIME : 7pm – 8.30pm


COST :  This is a Free event (Your donation is warmly appreciated).


BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL : Msg Barbara to confirm your place on Mbl : 0404 669



February 20


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


61 John Street
Williamstown, Victoria 3016 Australia

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